Land Equipment Management System (LEMS) Journal

The objectives of this journal are to promote professionalism throughout LEMS, provide an open forum with topics of interest, present land equipment engineering articles, communicate new tactical and strategic realities, and provide announcements concerning The Corps of RCEME.

The LEMS Journal depends upon its readers for content. Articles on all LEMS systems, photographs, cartoons, people, news, and comments are solicited. The Journal is an unclassified, unofficial source of information. Contents do not necessarily represent official DND policy and are not to be quoted.

Contributors may submit their original text of about 500-800 words to the LEMS Journal Mailbox. Photos should be submitted in common formats that are high quality for us to manage (more than 300 dpi or about 2 MB in file size). Lower resolution photos are also accepted in relevant cases. Personnel must be identified in all cases, both text and captions, by rank, initials, surname, trade, and unit. The editor reserves the right to reject and edit any editorial material.

Anyone interested in joining the editorial team may send an email to the LEMS Journal Mailbox.


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