RCEME Officers’ Fund

As leaders in The Corps of RCEME, the purpose of the RCEME Officers’ Fund is to promote and foster the leadership and esprit de corps of RCEME Officers, support the RCEME Regiment including the RCEME Guild, and preserve memorabilia, traditions, and customs associated with the RCEME Officers Corps.

The Constitution

The Constitution of the RCEME Officers’ Fund is the governing document of the fund and contains all of the information concerning its governance, administration, membership, and benefits.


RCEME Officers’ Fund Constitution By-Law Number 2: Membership

To become a member of the RCEME Officers’ Fund, please complete the membership form below and send it to The RCEME Corps Adjutant at rcemegemrc.corpsadjt@forces.gc.ca. If you are a Regular Force member, please also complete the pay allotment form below and send it to The Corps Adjutant.