The Combustion Chamber
The RCEME community brings to you a podcast delivered by our very own. In this series, may their voices generate sparks that will create power within our Corps!
Please see below for our featured members.
26 July: Sgt Bouillon – 5 Bon Svc Training.
24 February: MCpl Baril – Posted to the RCEME School Weapons Platoon. In this episode, he shares details about the duration of the Precision Weapons Course, and the different phases of the course.
27 June: Lt Levin and Cfn Martin – From the RCEME School. In this episode, they share what the Intermediate Training Platoon does, and some of the courses they conduct.
25 November: Sgt Veronique Dumont – From 202 Workshop Depot. In this episode, she shares details about the RCCAO initiative and answer some common questions about the initiative.
25 October: MWO Frederic Gagnon – Weapons Project Officer, QETE! In this episode, he shares details about the ATWO program and what it means to be a Master Gunner.
28 September: Lt Sean Menezes – Project Officer, Additive Manufacturing Project! In this episode, he shares with us his work on Additive Manufacturing in Canadian Armed Forces(CAF).
5 August: Maj Neil Whitehead – DLEPS 3-6, as our Foreign Exchange Officer/LEMS Future Requirement. In this episode, he shares with us his work with Equipment Information Exploitation ( Equipment IX).
7 July: Capt Bonifice Yogendran – DLEPS 6-2, as the Reliability and Maintenance Analyst. In this episode, he shares with us his work with FarrierWorks, predictive maintenance and artificial intelligence.
19 May: Maj Jason Das – The liaison officer at US Army Tanks and Armaments Command. In this episode, he shares with us his experience with OUTCAN work and in the additive manufacturing domain.
1 April: CWO Kevin Northorp – The Corp Sergeant Major. In this episode, he answers some of your questions on the addition of the Land Equipment Engineering Technologist (LEET) occupation.
23 February: BGen Sébastien Bouchard – Commandant RMC, Our very first RCEME “Combustion Chamber” series video.